Saturday, November 9, 2019

Frankenstein3 essays

Frankenstein3 essays the captain of a voyage to the North Pole Walton's sister and confidante to whom he writes his letters a student of Ingolstadt who becomes obsessed with his studies and creates the "monster" Victor's kind-hearted mother who dies of scarlet fever when Victor is seventeen Victor's youngest brother who is strangled to death by the "monster" A close friend of the Frankensteins who is accused and executed for the murder of William Frankenstein Victor's closest friend and traveling companion who is strangled by the "monster" Victor's adopted sister who marries Victor and is killed by the "monster" on their wedding night Victor's natural philosophy professor at the University of Ingolstadt A professor at the University of Ingolstadt whose chemistry lecture inspires Victor to begin his creation An old Irish magistrate who takes care of Victor while he is in prison Victor's creation who is deserted by Victor and rejected by society a blind exile from France who plays the guitar Felix's Arabian fiancee who leaves Turkey and joins Felix Robert Walton and his crew are on an expedition to the North Pole when they come across Victor Frankenstein near death. Walton restores Victor back to health and Victor explains the circumstances which have brought him into the artic regions in this condition. When Victor was a college student at The University of Ingolstadt, he became obsessed with the natural sciences and vowed to be the first to create life. Victor collected bod ...

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